Friday, March 13, 2009

The Operator

Think of something that you know how to operate. Can you operate a can opener? How many times have you opened a can and injured yourself and someone else? Can you operate a computer? How many times have you injured yourself while operating the computer? Think of some items that you operate what about a stereo, cassette recorder or an MP3 player, lawn mower, blender, jack hammer, espresso machine. How many times have you injured yourself doing so? What about others have you injured others while operating any of these items? What about killing yourself or someone else while doing so? Not likely?

That brings me to the automobile. How many of you operate an automobile? How many of you have injured yourself and others when operating an automobile? Why did you do it? What is the difference between operating an automobile and a lawn mower? When operating the vehicle you were paying attention, right? Eyes on the road ahead; hands in the ten and two position on the wheel, right? You were looking both ways, right? You know I’m joking, right? Because that’s not how it’s done in this modern era. You may operate the lawn mower like that but the automobile you take for granted. I don’t think people drink while operating a lawn mower or read, or put on make-up or any of those other things they do when operating an automobile. I think people tend to use both hands and keep their concentration while operating a lawn mower to prevent an “accident” from occurring. Why is the operation of an automobile any different? Maybe it’s because you feel safer in the automobile. Maybe you think you will not get hurt and don’t care about others! Is this the thought behind “hit-and-runs?” Or maybe you are just careless like the AZ father that ran over and killed his daughter or the AZ uncle that ran over and killed his niece. I’m sure that they did not mean to do it but carelessness kills too.

The automobile is no different from the many other tools we use on a daily bases; however, it all boils down to “the operator” and the level of respect they have for themselves and others!

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