Monday, July 19, 2010

Pedestrian Vigilance

As a pedestrian in Arizona traveling the city streets of Phoenix vigilance should be priority number one. This should be the priority for everyone traveling in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. I’m sure the bicyclist traveling in Tempe a few nights ago who was hit and killed on Rural and Southern by a motorist making a left turn would like to take back his decision. Not that he made a wrong decision he had the right of way but I still must be cautious and give myself an alternative so that if the car does turn I can escape a collision. As a pedestrian I think like this. I have learned not to TRUST motorist. It was over 25 motorist that nearly hit me within a 3 month period that caused me to produce the “How is Your Driving?” show. Since then there have been many more incidents with latest being today.

I am walking in a westward direction on the North side of McDowell heading toward 3rd Street. There is a car coming out of the drive way and the car is completely blocking the sidewalk. As I approach the car the driver doesn’t move, I look back at the oncoming traffic and cars are in all three lanes. The “slow” lane closest to the curb the car has slowed down and the right turn signal is on. To continue walking (exercising my right of way) I need to walk in the streets and walk around this motorist that is blocking the side walk. As I start to move he (the driver) starts to pull out but I start to raise my hands, open my mouth and express my self and finally he YIELDS the right of way and lets me pass. Under normal circumstance I would not have to put up with this; however, this is the norm in Phoenix and Arizona today.

A pedestrian needs to know the rules of the road, the driving laws and rules; traffic laws and rules so that they can exercise good judgment. Some readers could say that in the above example I could have went around the vehicle that was blocking the sidewalk. I believe that everyone should respect the laws and rules and therefore follow them. I should not have to walk behind a vehicle because the vehicle should not block the driveway. It was the attitude of this driver that I wanted to correct. He knows he’s wrong! This is the very attitude of the driver of the vehicle that hit and killed the bicyclist and drove off like the coward he or she is! This is CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR people! It starts with little things like blocking driveways, intersections, and sidewalks; not stopping at stop signs or red lights, speeding then it gets more ambitious until someone is killed. I am an “old pro” who has been blessed so far, but what about our children? Many of them have not been so fortunate. Our children do not have the mind set that I have developed. They are energetic, playful, and in their own world not paying attention to motorists with attitudes. I tried to get into the Phoenix Union School District to share with them my program that teaches our youth about traffic and pedestrian safety but I was told they don’t have a “driver education curriculum or program.” Everything these schools do today is geared around testing AIMS testing.

Remember Vigilant means – to keep watch, stay awake, alertly watchful especially to avoid danger from Arizona motorists with attitudes!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Launching a new marketing campaign

Most of the time when I post an article on this blog, I write about an issue that is related to driving and traffic safety. Today I want to talk about a program we are launching that will address driving and traffic safety. As you may know we produce a television show called “How is Your Driving?” The show can be viewed by those residents living in Tucson, Sierra Vista, Douglas and Benson who are either Comcast or Cox cable subscribers on Tuesdays at 7:30pm and/or Saturdays at 1:00pm or by anyone that has internet service at these same days and times by logging onto:

In Phoenix each Saturday we will be washing cars at valley Auto Zones. This program is called the “Car Wash Fundraising Event.” It is obviously designed to raise funds for the show but also make motorists aware of the driving and traffic safety epidemic in Arizona.
We want to highlight some of the most dangerous intersections in metro Phoenix such as 32nd Street and McDowell, 35th Ave and Dunlap, 67th Ave and Indian School, 27th Ave and Camelback, 43rd Ave and Thomas and others. In just four years there have been over 100 injuries at each of the above locations from automobile collisions.

We will also be helping the homeless by giving a few individuals the opportunity to earn income each week by assisting us in washing cars. Every Saturday we will be at a different location to reach a different segment of the population and make them aware of this issue.

Please check out web site for dates and times, bring your vehicles to be washed tell a friend and we will have DVD copies of the show, our new book, CD game/quizzes for sales for your driver education needs. Help us to save a life and give economic life to a few homeless folks by supporting our efforts to provide driver and traffic safety education to a needed Arizona population.

Also if you would like to volunteer or donate cash, supplies, etc. Call 602.449.8034 or go to our website and click on the “support” button.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Do the people of Arizona really care?

Who are the people of Arizona? We are talking about you, motorists, law makers, politicians, police, traffic engineers, driving instructors, school administrators, teens, seniors, bicyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians, insurance companies, auto makers, health care providers and more do we really care?

Care about what? Care about the driving and traffic safety epidemic in the United States of America and specifically in the state of Arizona? Arizona was ranked in the last survey this year 49th ahead of South Dakota out of 50 states for traffic safety. To some this may seem shocking, alarming, or surprising with all of the chatter about photo radar cameras and DUI, but Arizona has been failing in the area of traffic safety for years.

The three statistics I like to quote are since 2000 Arizona averages 140,000 collisions, 40,000 injuries and 1,000 fatal deaths. In ten (10) years that 10,000 people dead!
For those of you that are only concerned about money this translates into about 3 billion dollars lost revenue annually since 2000! Arizona is losing both its human resources and its economic resources all because of the way it allows its residents and others to travel within its roadways and highways.

Where is the desire and will in Arizona to face this epidemic head on? When is Arizona (Phoenix) going to rise from the ashes and transform itself and the nation into something beautiful? According to the survey automobile crashes is the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 4 and 34 and that in 2008 an estimated $230 billion was lost in property and productivity losses, medical and emergency bills and other related costs due to automobile crashes in the United States.

I say this is no accident, this is a collision!